Prayers for Snow

Featured image: Snow plow in snow, by Boston Herald (1939)

O Lord
God of all that was and will be
Creator and destroyer
You give unto our humble world
All of your joy, wrath, and mercy
The sculptor of life
And the hand of death
With mud and blood under your fingernails
You are the one who set us into perpetual motion
Spinning among these cold stars
Omnipotent and omniscient
Elevated as the true and just
Yet still watching as we suffer, fall, and die
We send our hopes to you
Prayers rising from our lips and thoughts
Floating into you and all you are

I have sent you one every night
Repetitive and comforting
A ritual whispered in a bed that hurts my back
I pray for safety
For my family
For those I’ve lost
But yesterday I asked for snow
Enough that one could build a snowman without exposing the brown grass underneath
It came from a place of want and worry
Of warmth in mid-December for the past couple years
Of hoping that it could be ok

Today, you gave me snow
And as I watch the world turn white around me
I’m glad that you listened and answered
That I had you here with me for a moment in this grand universe you made

Riley Ellison is a senior History student that is starting her graduate studies in the same field. Riley was the President of the Writing Society, a creative writing club open to all. Riley is an avid reader, which eventually turned into an interest in writing which she hopes to continue to improve.

Boston Herald, “Snow plow in snow [ca. July 1939]” (Boston Public Library):