Sunset at Sugar Creek

Featured image: Sunset, from the National Park Service

Marley and I make our journey
down to Sugar Creek.
She bounces with joy like a kangaroo—
even arthritis can’t stop Marley’s enthusiasm.
We hasten our steps—
the sun is setting, after all.
At Sugar Creek we blitz around the fields—
past children playing soccer and baseball.
We come across our elderly neighbors,
who wistfully smile at Marley
and reminisce about her puppy days.
Eventually I say goodbye
and we keep walking—
the sun is setting, after all.
We reach the forest trail—
it’s dark and full of mysterious scents that Marley loves.
I used to hurry her along, but nowadays I let her stop
and enjoy every aroma. Eventually I nudge her along—
the sun is setting, after all.
We emerge from the brooding woods—
Marley pants heavily.
I pause for her and when I gaze out
my eyes are overwhelmed
by the golden greens of the fields,
the flush pinks and lustrous oranges of the sky,
and Marley!
Her worn, off-white pelt now radiates an angelic aura!
If only I had enough time to admire her—
but the sun is setting, after all.

Blake Trembath is a senior at Marquette majoring in Biochemistry and Writing-Intensive English from St. Louis, Missouri. He hopes to make the world a better place through research and write along the way.

National Park Service, “Sunset,” Department of the Interior (12/2/1980 – 5/1995):