If by some sci-fi
Error you stepped forth full-formed
From water unfit
To question motive
Of he who gleams in gentle
Silurian sun
Would you fight the draw
Of yet inhuman topsoil
Or sharp proto-plum
Or collapse into
Garden singularity
Winking allure of
Polos for rich spacemen and
Grilled cheese sandwiches
Spinning on God’s fine
China. You take your turn at
Creation’s table
While the rest of us
Consider the merits of
Mud versus sea birth.
And when there remain
Five stars in heaven above
Unplucked by dreamers
Ask if it is good.
You could wait for answers but
We won’t hold our breath.
B Mallek is a Master’s student in English.
Yerkes Observatory, Keystone View Co., IUPUI Department of History, http://iuidigital.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/KLS/id/1118